At the start of this pandemic, everyone faced realities that forced a change in their perspective and behavior, and...
Money Ideas That Spark: Expert Tips on Effective Cash Management for SMEs
Kenn Costales, Owner and Lead Consultant of Monolith Growth Ventures, joined us for a chat and shared best practices and tips on cash management. How can SMEs practice and strategize effectively?
The Key Players You Need for Your E-Commerce Pivot
James Fernando, Founder of ShirtlyGlobal Inc., took the time to discuss the E-Commerce Pivot in businesses in the time of COVID. He says that in a successful vertical e-commerce store (AKA a store that is focused on just one industry), there are two key players involved.
5 Principles to Having More Purposeful Days in 2021
We spoke with Coach Kitty Dulay-Ferreria – founder of Your Awesome Year – shared with us practical and actionable principles on how we can achieve more mindful and purposeful days despite being locked down at home. Want to find out how? Here it is.
7 Insider Tips on Scaling E-commerce Initiatives in the New Normal
The global pandemic has shut down businesses, caused companies to lay off workers and keep people off the streets and...
E-mpathy: How to Strengthen Professional Relationships During the Pandemic
Transitioning from the traditional workplace setup wherein there is constant interaction between and among team...
3 Reasons Why Crowdfunding is Not Just About Raising Money
As much as funding is a critical requirement for any starting or scaling venture, it is just as important to consider and utilize one’s personal connection to the crowd.